American Airlines: My family and I were returning from a vacation...
American Airlines مراجعة العملاء بواسطة مستخدم GetHuman gethuman-laureno من نوفمبر ٢٨، ٢٠١٧
خلفية عن حالة gethuman-laureno
GetHuman:gethuman-laureno - هل يمكنك إخبار عملائنا American Airlines الآخرين بوقت حدوث قضيتك؟
gethuman-laureno:Yeah. كانت الساعة evening بتاريخ نوفمبر ١٩.
GetHuman:هل تواصلت مع American Airlines ، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فكيف؟
GetHuman:وأي من مشكلات العملاء الشائعة American Airlines تصف بشكل أفضل السبب الذي جعلك تريد التحدث إليهم؟
(يعرض gethuman-laureno قائمة بمشكلات American Airlines الشائعة)
gethuman-laureno:"Cancelled Flight" هو سبب محاولتي to call.
مراجعة gethuman-laureno لخدمة عملاء American Airlines
GetHuman:إذًا ، كيف يمكنك تلخيص تجربتك لمجتمع عملاء GetHuman American Airlines؟ سنقوم بمراقبة أي معرفات أو أرقام أو رموز وأي كلمات غير لائقة هنا احترامًا لملايين العملاء الآخرين الذين يستخدمون هذا المورد.
gethuman-laureno:My family and I were returning from a vacation in Mexico and had to go through customs in Miami with a *-*** hr layover. Apparently several flight that had been delayed due to mechanical issues came in at the same time our flight did, causing the customs area to be over run with people. This also caused a delay in the luggage coming off the plane.**When we finally got our luggage and proceeded to recheck our bags for our connecting domestic flight to Boston, an American airline attendants pulled a us out of line and told us to go to the terminal for our connecting flight, but I hadn't rechecked the luggage and the attended said just follow me. Got to the terminal with ** at *:** a *** hr before departure and they refused to let us check our bags I explained to the attendant that our flight hadn't even boarded yet, so why couldn't we check our bags and get on the flight. They said no, we had to get in line and rebook our flight. We were in the line at *:** pm and our flight wasn't scheduled to take off till *:** pm. American left my family of * (me, my husband and our * kids) stranded in the airport for over ** hours. No compensation, nothing. What was supposed to take less than * hours of travel took ** hours with * kids ranging from * years old to **! We were not the only ones, there were hundreds of people stranded in the American terminal in Miami on Friday July **th. They had to set up cots to accommodate people because all the hotel's were full. We were put on stand by *x starting at *am, after checking in at * am on the **th and finally got out of Miami at **:** pm. We flew into Philadelphia where we were told we would be put on a connecting flight to Boston. When we arrived in Philadelphia we were told they only had * seats on the next flight! Luckily * people didn't show so we got on that flight and into Boston around * p m. Only to had to hunt down the luggage that had originally kept us from getting on our original flight. I've attached a picture of the line at the airport at *:** pm on ** July. In addition this flight left early, at *:**. There were so many people trying to get out on standby flights I believe American bumped my family and gave away our seats. I've sent * email complaints to the airlines, the first of which was replied to in ** hrs and the *nd in a week. Both emails they sent back to me seem to be identical in content. Tried to contact a person because they keep saying that I missed my connection, but I didn't they wouldn't let us board.
GetHuman:دعنا نحدد تجربتك في الاتصال بـ American Airlines. على مقياس من 1 إلى 5 ، ما مدى سهولة الحصول على مساعدة بشأن مشكلة American Airlines؟
gethuman-laureno:سأقدم لهم four من أصل خمسة لتسهيل العثور على طريقك للمساعدة.
GetHuman:ماذا عن جودة التواصل. كيف تقيم ذلك على مقياس من 1 إلى 5؟
gethuman-laureno:سأعطيهم one من أصل خمسة للتواصل.
GetHuman:وماذا عن قدرة American Airlines على معالجة مشكلتك بسرعة وفعالية؟
gethuman-laureno:لهذا أقول one من أصل خمسة.
GetHuman:وأخيرًا - أي نصائح لعملاء American Airlines الآخرين؟
gethuman-laureno:اتصل بهم في وقت مبكر من اليوم أو في وقت متأخر. لا تنسَ أي معلومات شخصية أو معلومات حساب قد تحتاجها لـ American Airlines لمعرفة هويتك.
GetHuman:حسنا هناك لديك. بعض التعليقات والكلمات المفيدة من gethuman-laureno مأخوذة من American Airlines مشكلة خدمة العملاء التي حدثت في نوفمبر ١٩، ٢٠١٧.