Panasonic: COMPLAINT

Panasonic مراجعة العملاء بواسطة مستخدم GetHuman GetHuman-carlric من ديسمبر ١، ٢٠١٧

خلفية عن حالة GetHuman-carlric

GetHuman:GetHuman-carlric - هل يمكنك إخبار عملائنا Panasonic الآخرين بوقت حدوث قضيتك؟
GetHuman-carlric:Yup. كانت الساعة afternoon بتاريخ نوفمبر ٢٩.
GetHuman:هل تواصلت مع Panasonic ، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فكيف؟
GetHuman-carlric:استخدمت رقم 800-211-7262 الذي وجدته في صفحة رقم هاتف عميل GetHuman Panasonic التي كنت فيها:Panasonic رقم هاتف خدمة العملاء
GetHuman:وأي من مشكلات العملاء الشائعة Panasonic تصف بشكل أفضل السبب الذي جعلك تريد التحدث إليهم؟
(يعرض GetHuman-carlric قائمة بمشكلات Panasonic الشائعة)
GetHuman-carlric:"Repairs" هو سبب محاولتي to call.

مراجعة GetHuman-carlric لخدمة عملاء Panasonic

GetHuman:إذًا ، كيف يمكنك تلخيص تجربتك لمجتمع عملاء GetHuman Panasonic؟ سنقوم بمراقبة أي معرفات أو أرقام أو رموز وأي كلمات غير لائقة هنا احترامًا لملايين العملاء الآخرين الذين يستخدمون هذا المورد.
GetHuman:هل يمكنك إخبار بقيتنا أكثر قليلاً مما حدث في ١١/٢٩/١٧؟
GetHuman-carlric:Dear Panasonic supervisor,**I would like to tell you about my experience with your customer support team this morning. I had ordered the chair (below) and it was delivered this morning, and I didn't think it was quite up to par for Panasonic, so I called and asked if I could return it. I spoke with * of your customer service representatives. The first one was the worst. Not only was she condescending, but she could not give me any information (she told me I would have to pay **% restocking fee, but she didn't know how much that was and couldn't figure it out), and she was of absolutely no help, whatsoever, in telling me how I would ship it back to you. She said “you have to figure that out. It's up to you. You can call any company you want. I can't tell you who to call. I don't know.” I really couldn't believe that. Anyway, I said goodbye, waited about * minutes, and then called again and tried another one of your service representatives. This young lady was only slightly better. I asked her all the same questions, and I think she was able to tell me that it was **% “of the entire price of the order,” but I can't be sure. She was only slightly nicer, but she was far from anything to write home about. **Neither of these ladies had any idea how I would ship the chair back to you. They asked me “do you still have the box that it came in?” (I could only think, well of course I do* it's now taking up half of my garage. I park my Corvette in the street now, because I have this gigantic box in my garage. I always save gigantic empty boxes. Doesn't everyone?) Please excuse my sarcasm, but I couldn't believe that this young lady was asking me if I kept the box that the chair came in. She couldn't tell me how to ship it back. I finally asked her, “Well who's the company who delivered it?” She said, “that would be Pilot Freight Services,” but she couldn't give me a telephone number, nor could she tell me where they were located. **So, I called Pilot. The gentleman I spoke to at Pilot explained the whole process to me: he said that I should receive from you an RMA ticket* that you would then forward that information to Pilot* they would then come to my house and pick up the chair, and it would be a free service. They wouldn't charge me anything for it. He was extremely professional and he certainly won my business, should I ever need a freight service again.**About * years ago, I read an article in Time or Newsweek or some magazine like that, that said, what is going to make or break companies in the age of the Internet is not their product, or their advertising, or anything like that. It is their customer service. How intelligent their personnel is* how courteous and helpful they are to the client who is calling for help* how hard they try to rectify the problem -- these are the things that will make a company competitive in the Internet age. If, the article went on to say, a company does not have good customer service, well, I think you can figure that one out for yourself. . . . **I just took the time to write to a car parts store (I own a **** Corvette Stingray), and they have only one girl running their customer service department, but she is stupendous. She has written me * times in less than a week regarding a part that's on backorder. On backorder! I think the parts are worth *** bucks. But she has gone way beyond the call of “a secretary” to see that I am satisfied, to see that I am kept appraised of my order, and to make sure that I will use them again. There is no doubt in my mind that I will.**By the same token, it's going to take a lot to ever get me to buy another Panasonic product.**So I don't know what to tell you. I don't know if you get a lot of these letters. I don't even know if you care about it. I only spent about $**** on the chair (which I'm sure you could care less about), and now I have to ship it back to you* and it's going to cost me $*** “restocking” fee. I probably spend about $***,*** a year buying things ov
GetHuman:دعنا نحدد تجربتك في الاتصال بـ Panasonic. على مقياس من 1 إلى 5 ، ما مدى سهولة الحصول على مساعدة بشأن مشكلة Panasonic؟
GetHuman-carlric:سأقدم لهم one من أصل خمسة لتسهيل العثور على طريقك للمساعدة.
GetHuman:ماذا عن جودة التواصل. كيف تقيم ذلك على مقياس من 1 إلى 5؟
GetHuman-carlric:سأعطيهم two من أصل خمسة للتواصل.
GetHuman:وماذا عن قدرة Panasonic على معالجة مشكلتك بسرعة وفعالية؟
GetHuman-carlric:لهذا أقول five من أصل خمسة.
GetHuman:وأخيرًا - أي نصائح لعملاء Panasonic الآخرين؟
GetHuman-carlric:اتصل بهم في وقت مبكر من اليوم أو في وقت متأخر. لا تنسَ أي معلومات شخصية أو معلومات حساب قد تحتاجها لـ Panasonic لمعرفة هويتك.
GetHuman:حسنا هناك لديك. بعض التعليقات والكلمات المفيدة من GetHuman-carlric مأخوذة من Panasonic مشكلة خدمة العملاء التي حدثت في نوفمبر ٢٩، ٢٠١٧.


2.48 من 5 نجوم | 273 من المراجعات

مراجعة GetHuman-carlric Panasonic

صعوبة في العثور على المساعدة
1 من أصل 5 نجوم
جودة الاتصال
2 من أصل 5 نجوم
حسن التوقيت والاحتراف
5 من أصل 5 نجوم
التصنيف العام لخدمة العملاء
3 من أصل 5 نجوم

تقوم GetHuman بجمع وتوزيع المراجعات والأدلة الإرشادية والنصائح والاختراق ومعلومات الاتصال السرية لشركات مثل Panasonic ، والتي يتم الحصول عليها من عملاء مثلك ، لمساعدتنا جميعًا في الحصول على خدمة العملاء بشكل أفضل وأسرع وأسهل. GetHuman غير تابع لـ Panasonic بأي شكل من الأشكال.

هل كانت هذه الصفحة مفيدة؟
شكرا لك ويرجى المشاركة!
شكرا لك ويرجى المشاركة!
يحتاج العمل
المشاركة هي ما يمنح معلومات وأدوات اتصال خدمة عملاء GetHuman المجانية. يمكنك مساعدة!