Uber: To reactive

Uber مراجعة العملاء بواسطة مستخدم GetHuman GetHuman-ervinjo من نوفمبر ٣٠، ٢٠١٧

خلفية عن حالة GetHuman-ervinjo

GetHuman:GetHuman-ervinjo - هل يمكنك إخبار عملائنا Uber الآخرين بوقت حدوث قضيتك؟
GetHuman-ervinjo:Sure. كانت الساعة middle of the night بتاريخ نوفمبر ٢٦.
GetHuman:هل تواصلت مع Uber ، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فكيف؟
GetHuman-ervinjo:استخدمت help page وجدته في صفحة معلومات الاتصال بخدمة عملاء GetHuman Uber:اتصل Uber بخدمة العملاء
GetHuman:وأي من مشكلات العملاء الشائعة Uber تصف بشكل أفضل السبب الذي جعلك تريد التحدث إليهم؟
(يعرض GetHuman-ervinjo قائمة بمشكلات Uber الشائعة)
GetHuman-ervinjo:"Problem With the App" هو سبب محاولتي to contact.

مراجعة GetHuman-ervinjo لخدمة عملاء Uber

GetHuman:إذًا ، كيف يمكنك تلخيص تجربتك لمجتمع عملاء GetHuman Uber؟ سنقوم بمراقبة أي معرفات أو أرقام أو رموز وأي كلمات غير لائقة هنا احترامًا لملايين العملاء الآخرين الذين يستخدمون هذا المورد.
GetHuman-ervinjo:To reactive
GetHuman:هل يمكنك إخبار بقيتنا أكثر قليلاً مما حدث في ١١/٢٦/١٧؟
GetHuman-ervinjo:I direct this email to the Uber Upper Management.**Dear Uber management!** I am writing you this email with a request of letting me continue being an Uber partner, since I have been working in this wonderful ride sharing job for almost two years. I want to introduce myself first. My name is Armen Martirosyan and I have four children. As I told above I have been working with your company for two years already. I opened my Uber account on November ****. I am a driver of ** years. I also want to note that I have not had any tickets or accident throughout these ** years. I also have LA permit for driving and Uber is my full time job.** After working with Uber for almost one and a half years my account got deactivated because of a false feedback that one of the riders left. On the day of the deactivation I had a trip when I picked up a rider and when I picked her up the destination the she wanted me to drop her off was *.* miles away. When we were about ** feet away from the destination she asked me to drop her off in the middle of the street I asked her to let me drop her off ** feet away because dropping off was restricted in that area. She started yelling at me and when I dropped her off she threatened me and said that she will do everything to get me out of Uber platform and as a result she did what she said. I know it will be hard for you to understand the situation and trust me but please read what I have to say. Two months after my account got deactivated I got a new car. My first car was Toyota Sienna salvage and I opened another account based on my new car. I want to let you know that I did not know I was not allowed to open another account. I drove for more than seven months with my second account and after that it got deactivated. With a respect I want to note that during the past seven months I showed and proved that I am a good driver. I have had more than **** trips. I have been maintaining a *.** star rating since then. I am very sorry for not knowing that I was not allowed to open a second account and please consider that I regret it. With my commitment to Uber I have I showed my service to the customers and have never had a negative feedback. Any past reports are no longer showing on the new account and it does not seem to be an issue. All of the feedbacks from the riders show my great service. I have also been in *% of best Uber drivers for several times. After the deactivation my account was put in an investigation and as a result I got an email saying that because of my great service and commitment my account will be activated. But it lasted only ** days and it got deactivated with the same reason of this being my second account. Contacting you was the only way of getting this right. Respectfully I ask you to reconsider my account and let me continue being an Uber partner.**No matter what decision you will make I want to introduce you an idea that I have ready as a product which is not in a manufacturing business yet. I am very sure that if used in Uber business the product will dramatically increase the number of riders in Uber Company. I have not introduced the idea anywhere and I want to officially introduce it to Uber. Thank you very much for putting your time and reading my email. Wish you happy holidays.
GetHuman:دعنا نحدد تجربتك في الاتصال بـ Uber. على مقياس من 1 إلى 5 ، ما مدى سهولة الحصول على مساعدة بشأن مشكلة Uber؟
GetHuman-ervinjo:سأقدم لهم three من أصل خمسة لتسهيل العثور على طريقك للمساعدة.
GetHuman:ماذا عن جودة التواصل. كيف تقيم ذلك على مقياس من 1 إلى 5؟
GetHuman-ervinjo:سأعطيهم four من أصل خمسة للتواصل.
GetHuman:وماذا عن قدرة Uber على معالجة مشكلتك بسرعة وفعالية؟
GetHuman-ervinjo:لهذا أقول three من أصل خمسة.
GetHuman:وأخيرًا - أي نصائح لعملاء Uber الآخرين؟
GetHuman-ervinjo:حاول التعامل معهم في وقت مبكر من اليوم أو بعد ذلك. لا تنسَ أي معلومات شخصية أو معلومات حساب قد تحتاجها لـ Uber لمعرفة هويتك.
GetHuman:حسنا هناك لديك. بعض التعليقات والكلمات المفيدة من GetHuman-ervinjo مأخوذة من Uber مشكلة خدمة العملاء التي حدثت في نوفمبر ٢٦، ٢٠١٧.


1.88 من 5 نجوم | 1098 من المراجعات

مراجعة GetHuman-ervinjo Uber

صعوبة في العثور على المساعدة
3 من أصل 5 نجوم
جودة الاتصال
4 من أصل 5 نجوم
حسن التوقيت والاحتراف
3 من أصل 5 نجوم
التصنيف العام لخدمة العملاء
3 من أصل 5 نجوم

تقوم GetHuman بجمع وتوزيع المراجعات والأدلة الإرشادية والنصائح والاختراق ومعلومات الاتصال السرية لشركات مثل Uber ، والتي يتم الحصول عليها من عملاء مثلك ، لمساعدتنا جميعًا في الحصول على خدمة العملاء بشكل أفضل وأسرع وأسهل. GetHuman غير تابع لـ Uber بأي شكل من الأشكال.

هل كانت هذه الصفحة مفيدة؟نعميحتاج العمل
المشاركة هي ما يمنح معلومات وأدوات اتصال خدمة عملاء GetHuman المجانية. يمكنك مساعدة!