Struggling to understand if Vodafone understand...

Vodafone مراجعة العملاء بواسطة مستخدم GetHuman GetHuman-morris من نوفمبر ٢٩، ٢٠١٧

خلفية عن حالة GetHuman-morris

GetHuman:GetHuman-morris - هل يمكنك إخبار عملائنا Vodafone الآخرين بوقت حدوث قضيتك؟
GetHuman-morris:Yes. كانت الساعة morning بتاريخ نوفمبر ٢٦.
GetHuman:هل تواصلت مع Vodafone ، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فكيف؟
GetHuman-morris:استخدمت رقم +91-991-630-473 الذي وجدته في صفحة رقم هاتف عميل GetHuman Vodafone التي كنت فيها:Vodafone رقم هاتف خدمة العملاء
GetHuman:وأي من مشكلات العملاء الشائعة Vodafone تصف بشكل أفضل السبب الذي جعلك تريد التحدث إليهم؟
(يعرض GetHuman-morris قائمة بمشكلات Vodafone الشائعة)
GetHuman-morris:"Technical support" هو سبب محاولتي to call.

مراجعة GetHuman-morris لخدمة عملاء Vodafone

GetHuman:إذًا ، كيف يمكنك تلخيص تجربتك لمجتمع عملاء GetHuman Vodafone؟ سنقوم بمراقبة أي معرفات أو أرقام أو رموز وأي كلمات غير لائقة هنا احترامًا لملايين العملاء الآخرين الذين يستخدمون هذا المورد.
GetHuman-morris:Struggling to understand if Vodafone understands loyalty
GetHuman:هل يمكنك إخبار بقيتنا أكثر قليلاً مما حدث في ١١/٢٦/١٧؟
GetHuman-morris:Firstly, I lost my phone on a flight to Ireland, on the **th August on the **th I reported my phone lost ,I felt this issue better dealt with on my return to the UK on the **th August. Unfortunately I was involved in an accident shortly after arriving on holiday where I received * stitches to my left forearm. On my return to the UK I went for an upgrade and thought this was dealt with on **th August, however my handset did not arrived as expected. I had to then make several more calls to Vodafone about how best to deal with the situation, and more worryingly, I've had to pay £*.** per minute for each of these calls. As I was in severe pain due to the injuries I received, I requested that my husband converse with Vodafone with my authority, regarding the upgrade, I thought I had dealt with this issue sufficiently, until several calls later on Saturday **th August, when I unfortunately discovered that none of my calls were recorded and more worrying was that my order for a replacement phone was not placed! Again I ended making numerous calls to Vodafone to try and address this issue. I am now told my order was not placed and I had to start all over again. I have now been told I will not receive a handset until Wednesday *ndSeptember! *I feel very let down by Vodafone right now. My husband has had to fly abroad to Chicago on the **th leaving me at home alone with no phone and feeling very vulnerable, especially in light of my current injury. I am horrified at the way I have been treated, especially after explaining to every staff member I spoke to (At least ** staff). I also feel I was deliberately cut off on some occasions! This, at the very least is the worst experience I have had to deal with as a customer on any level…. I am both ashamed and embarrassed at how your staff treated me, my injuries will heal, however I have huge concerns for the way you are treating costumers who may have long term disabilities and find themselves in a similar situation…. An example of this is, when I was being read out the legal conditions she laughed out loud on several occasions. I strongly suggest you review training for those staff who are dealing with the general public, as no one should have to be put through my experience and hand over their hard earned money to such a poor providers. I have always advocated for Vodafone as good phone provider, however the above experience has dramatically changed my opinion.* *I have also just been informed by my landline provider the cost of calling Vodafone on Saturday **th August was £**.**, I would like you to reimburse me this cost. *Throughout this whole experience I have had to activate my travel and health insurances, which have been outstanding, unfortunately I have not had the same experience from Vodafone.*Please explain to me what over ** years of being a loyal customer of Vodafone means, as I am seriously struggling to understand what loyalty you as an organization have to me….**Update is **nd of September, my handset finely arrived only to find they sent me the wrong sim card! After speaking to Vodafone customer services I am told they will only reimburse £** pounds only and I will receive the correct sim card on Friday *th September*Account number: XXXXXXXX
GetHuman:دعنا نحدد تجربتك في الاتصال بـ Vodafone. على مقياس من 1 إلى 5 ، ما مدى سهولة الحصول على مساعدة بشأن مشكلة Vodafone؟
GetHuman-morris:سأقدم لهم two من أصل خمسة لتسهيل العثور على طريقك للمساعدة.
GetHuman:ماذا عن جودة التواصل. كيف تقيم ذلك على مقياس من 1 إلى 5؟
GetHuman-morris:سأعطيهم one من أصل خمسة للتواصل.
GetHuman:وماذا عن قدرة Vodafone على معالجة مشكلتك بسرعة وفعالية؟
GetHuman-morris:لهذا أقول one من أصل خمسة.
GetHuman:وأخيرًا - أي نصائح لعملاء Vodafone الآخرين؟
GetHuman-morris:اتصل بهم في وقت مبكر من اليوم أو في وقت متأخر. لا تنسَ أي معلومات شخصية أو معلومات حساب قد تحتاجها لـ Vodafone لمعرفة هويتك.
GetHuman:حسنا هناك لديك. بعض التعليقات والكلمات المفيدة من GetHuman-morris مأخوذة من Vodafone مشكلة خدمة العملاء التي حدثت في نوفمبر ٢٦، ٢٠١٧.


1.00 من 5 نجوم | 8 من المراجعات

مراجعة GetHuman-morris Vodafone

صعوبة في العثور على المساعدة
2 من أصل 5 نجوم
جودة الاتصال
1 من أصل 5 نجوم
حسن التوقيت والاحتراف
1 من أصل 5 نجوم
التصنيف العام لخدمة العملاء
1 من أصل 5 نجوم

تقوم GetHuman بجمع وتوزيع المراجعات والأدلة الإرشادية والنصائح والاختراق ومعلومات الاتصال السرية لشركات مثل Vodafone ، والتي يتم الحصول عليها من عملاء مثلك ، لمساعدتنا جميعًا في الحصول على خدمة العملاء بشكل أفضل وأسرع وأسهل. GetHuman غير تابع لـ Vodafone بأي شكل من الأشكال.

هل كانت هذه الصفحة مفيدة؟
شكرا لك ويرجى المشاركة!
شكرا لك ويرجى المشاركة!
يحتاج العمل
المشاركة هي ما يمنح معلومات وأدوات اتصال خدمة عملاء GetHuman المجانية. يمكنك مساعدة!